“HIV/AIDS” virus hoax




AIDS hoax, HIV myth

from the documentary: “The Other Side of AIDS”

“After 20 years and more than $150 billion in federally funded research, scientists still can’t explain how HIV causes AIDS. [There is a] growing movement of doctors, scientists, journalists, and HIV positives who reveal a tangled web of conflicts of interest, political correctness and unresolved errors surrounding AIDS. The latest AIDS medications are taking more lives than AIDS itself.”

Over 2,000 scientists, medical professionals, authors and academics are on record that the “Hiv-Aids” theories, routinely reported to the public as if they were facts, are dubious to say the least.

Information shown in red indicates recent additions.

“It’s not even probable, let alone scientifically proven, that HIV causes AIDS. If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. There are no such documents.”

Spin Magazine, Vol. 10 No.4, 1994

“The HIV-causes-AIDS theory is one hell of a mistake.”

Foreword, “Inventing the AIDS Virus”

“Years from now, people will find our acceptance of the HIV theory of AIDS as silly as we find those who excommunicated Galileo.”

“Dancing Naked in the Mind Field,” 1998

“Where is the research that says HIV is the cause of AIDS? There are 10,000 people in the world now who specialize in HIV. None has any interest in the possibility HIV doesn’t cause AIDS because if it doesn’t, their expertise is useless.”

“People keep asking me, ‘You mean you don’t believe that HIV causes AIDS?’ And I say, ‘Whether I believe it or not is irrelevant! I have no scientific evidence for it.’ I might believe in God, and He could have told me in a dream that HIV causes AIDS. But I wouldn’t stand up in front of scientists and say, ‘I believe HIV causes AIDS because God told me.’ I’d say, ‘I have papers here in hand and experiments that have been done that can be demonstrated to others.’ It’s not what somebody believes, it’s experimental proof that counts. And those guys don’t have that.”

California Monthly, Sept 1994

“If you think a virus is the cause of AIDS, do a control without it. To do a control is the first thing you teach undergraduates. But it hasn’t been done. The epidemiology of AIDS is a pile of anecdotal stories selected to the virus-AIDS hypothesis. People don’t bother to check the details of popular dogma or consensus views.”

HIV not Guilty, Oct 5, 1996

“[Aids] is not ‘God’s wrath’ or any other absurdity. A segment of our society was experimenting with their lifestyle, and it didn’t work. They got sick. Another segment of our pluralistic society, call them doctor/scientist refugees from the failed War on Cancer, or just call them professional jackals, discovered that it did work. It worked for them. They are still making payments on their new BMWs out of your pocket.”

Dancing Naked in the Mind Field. Vintage Books. 2000

— Dr. Kary Mullis, PhD, Biochemist, Winner, 1993 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for inventing the polymerase chain reaction, the basis for the HIV viral load tests.

“The HIV hypothesis of AIDS is the biggest scientific, medical blunder of the 20th Century. The evidence is overwhelming that AIDS is not contagious, sexually transmitted, or caused by HIV. The physicians who know or suspect the truth are embarrassed or afraid to admit that the HIV tests are absurd and should be outlawed, and that the anti-HIV drugs are injuring and killing people.”

Mail & Guardian, Johannesburg, SA, Jan 24, 2001

“As a scientist who has studied AIDS for 16 years, I have determined that AIDS has little to do with science and is not even primarily a medical issue. AIDS is a sociological phenomenon held together by fear, creating a kind of medical McCarthyism that has transgressed and collapsed all the rules of science, and has imposed a brew of belief and pseudo-science on a vulnerable public.”

Spin, June 1997

“Fifty percent of Africans have no sewage systems. Their drinking water mixes with animal and human waste. They have constant TB and malaria infections, the symptoms of which are diarrhea and weight loss, the very same criteria UNAIDS and the World Health Organization use to diagnose AIDS in Africa. These people need clean drinking water and treated mosquito nets [mosquitoes carry malaria], not condoms and lectures and deadly pharmaceuticals forced on pregnant mothers.”

Scheff, AIDS Debate, Boston Dig, 2003

“We’ve put 20 years and $118 billion into HIV. We’ve got no cure, no vaccine and no progress. Instead we have thousands of people made sick and even killed by toxic AIDS drugs. But we can’t just treat them for the diseases we know they have because if we do, we’re called ‘AIDS denialists.’ AIDS is a multi-billion dollar industry. There are 100,000 professional AIDS researchers in this country. It’s as hard to challenge as big tobacco at this point.”


“Those damn [HIV] tests should be outlawed. They’re lethal. First of all, it’s a death sentence in South Africa. People commit suicide, they’ve been stoned to death, they’ve had their houses burned down, they’ve been murdered. Just for having antibodies to HIV. They have been ostracized. And in certain rural communities, ostracism is equivalent to death. So you’re scared to death, first of all. And then you start taking the anti-HIV drugs, which cause AIDS, and if you take them long enough they will kill you.”

New York Press, vol. 14, no. 16, 2002

“In 1990 at the San Francisco AIDS conference, [HIV co-discoverer Luc] Montagnier announced that HIV did not, after all, kill T-cells and could not be the cause of AIDS. Within hours of making this announcement, he was attacked by the very industry he’d helped to create.”


“People can have a high viral load and be healthy and have a low viral load and be sick and everything in between. These guys [AIDS researchers] will admit this between themselves, they just don’t admit it publicly.”

Gear Magazine, March 2000

“The National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, the Medical Research Council, and the World Health Organization are terrorizing hundreds of millions of people around the world by their reckless and absurd policy of equating sex with death. Linking sex to death has put these organizations in an impossible situation. It would be intolerably embarrassing for them to admit at this late date that they are wrong, that AIDS is not sexually transmitted. Such an admission could very well destroy these organizations or at the very least put their future credibility in jeopardy. Self preservation compels these institutions to not only maintain but to actually compound their errors, which adds to the fear, suffering, and misery of the world — the antithesis of their reason for being.”

British Medical Journal Rapid Response, 18 April 2003

— Dr. David Rasnick, PhD, Biochemist, Protease Inhibitor Developer, University of California

“The HIV-causes-AIDS dogma is the grandest fraud that has ever been perpetrated on young men and women of the Western world. AIDS is a cruel deception that is maintained because so many people are making money from it. Take away this money and the entire system of mythology will collapse.”

Sunday Times, London, 3 April 1994

“I think that Duesberg and Root-Bernstein have it right [about what causes AIDS]. Anything or process that destroys the individual’s ability to mount an immune response…This could be the use of…cocaine, heroin, amyl nitrite (poppers), amphetamines…malnutrition and lack of essential vitamins…being the recipient of whole blood or blood products…repeated and multiple infections… [all] are immunosuppressive.”

“Kimberly Bergalis, according to the general press, was a young lady who was found to have antibody to HIV…she was put on AZT [AIDS medicine]…the AZT killed her.”

“Ryan White was an 18-year-old hemophiliac who died in April of 1990 of unstoppable internal bleeding which may have been exacerbated by the AZT he was taking.”

“…Even after many years not one [HIV-infected] chimp has come down with AIDS diseases. This means we have an animal model for HIV, and it does not seem to cause AIDS.”

“…By the most sensitive PCR and culture procedures, no virus can be detected in 90% of the semen samples taken from men with AIDS.”

Rethinking AIDS May 1993

“The reason that the whole shabby story of HIV is being held in place is there’s so much money riding on it. The federal government is spending about $4 billion on just this single subject, and all that $4 billion is predicated on the idea that HIV causes these diseases. If HIV does not cause these diseases, then that money is being wasted. And I believe it is being wasted. But the people who are the recipients of that money don’t want it to stop.”

“I often wonder what would happen if all federal money for AIDS—education, research, treatment, and so forth—was suddenly dropped to zero. It’s my belief that AIDS would go away. In other words, the AIDS diseases that we see today would be reassigned to their former categories—Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and the other 25 or so different diseases, now including cervical dysplasia and so forth. AIDS has been a disease of definition. If we said that it didn’t exist and didn’t pay for it with taxpayers’ money, it would disappear into the background of normal mortality.”

Penthouse Magazine, April 1995

“Sex is no more dangerous today than 20 years ago—or 1,000 years ago.”

Rethinking AIDS May 1993

— Dr. Charles Thomas, PhD, former Professor of Biochemistry, Harvard and Johns Hopkins Universities. Former chair of the Cell Biology Department, Scripps Research Institute

“I do not believe that HIV, in and of itself, can cause AIDS.”

New York Daily News Sep 20, 1993

“The assumption was made in 1984 that HIV caused AIDS and this has scarcely been challenged since. We don’t really know if HIV causes AIDS, nor have we seriously tried to find out.”

Virusmyth.net, Nov. 1991

“It will surely lead to a scientifically healthier society if the burden of proof for HIV as a deadly pathogen is returned to where it belongs — to those who maintain that HIV causes AIDS — and others are allowed to pursue alternative approaches in the battle for eradication of the disease.”

Nature, 20 April 1989

— Dr. Beverly E. Griffin, PhD, Director, Department of Virology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London

“HIV tests are meaningless. A person can react positive even though he or she is not infected with HIV. The tests are interpreted differently in different countries, which means that a person who is positive in Africa [or Thailand] can be negative when tested in Australia. There is no justification for the fact that most people have not been informed about the serious inaccuracy of the tests. The error has catastrophic repercussions on thousands of people. Since people are reacting positive on tests that are not specific for HIV, let’s please stop labeling them as ‘HIV positive.’”

Continuum Magazine, Mid-Winter 1999

“There are many scientific facts which show that the so-called human immunodeficiency virus (‘HIV’) does not fulfill the epidemiological and biological requirements, nor the common sense requirements, to be the cause of the human immunodeficiency syndrome.”

Continuum, Spring 1998

“The transmission of AIDS from person to person is a myth. The homosexual transmission of AIDS in Western countries, as well as the heterosexual transmission of AIDS in Africa and in other underdeveloped countries, is an assumption without any scientific validation.”

Virusmyth.net, Sep. 2000

“None of the postulates on which the infectious hypothesis of AIDS is based fulfill the requirements of the research method. None of the bases of the HIV-AIDS hypothesis has been demonstrated at an objective level. They are theoretical assumptions, created by the minds of those who generate and defend that hypothesis.”

“Aids and Stressors,” 1997

— Dr. Roberto Giraldo, MD, specialist in internal medicine, infectious and tropical diseases, New York. Former Chairman of the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia. Author, Aids and Stressors

“I would not be surprised if there were another cause of AIDS and even that HIV is not involved.”

Omni Magazine, June 1993

“Duesberg is absolutely correct in saying that no one has proven that AIDS is caused by the AIDS virus. And he is absolutely correct that the virus cultured in the laboratory may not be the cause of AIDS.”

Hippocrates Sept./Oct. 1988

— Dr. Walter Gilbert, PhD, Professor of Molecular Biology, Harvard University. Winner, 1980 Nobel Prize for chemistry

“Buried deep within the secretive and well-guarded dogma that Aids is a plague caused by the lethal virus known as HIV, there is a time bomb of potentially explosive contrary information.”

“The hypothesis that HIV is the sole cause of AIDS simply does not fit the clinical and epidemiological facts.”

Sunday Times, London, 7 June 1992

“There is no specific etiologic agent of AIDS. The disease arises as a result of a cumulative process following a period of exposure to multiple environmental factors…”

“Debating AZT,” 2000

“Nobody wants to look at the facts about this disease. It’s the most extraordinary thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve sent countless letters to medical journals pointing out the epidemiological discrepancies and they simply ignore them. The fact is, this whole heterosexual AIDS thing is a hoax.”

Spin June 1992

“AIDS is a behavioural disease. It is multifactorial, brought on by several simultaneous strains on the immune system — drugs, pharmaceutical and recreational, sexually transmitted diseases, multiple viral infections.”

Spin June 1992

“With the ‘discovery’ of HIV as the putative, universally infectious retrovirus and the conversion of this hypothesis into a dogma by the consensus, all dissent began to be suppressed by anonymous censorship, which became absolute, amazingly pervasive, and apparently immune from disclosure of conflicts of interests. On many occasions, I have been asked by the BBC and other networks to talk about AIDS only to find, at the last minute, that my appearance was canceled.”

“Colleagues and I attempting to publish have met an unholy alliance intent on rejecting any papers that offer serious criticisms of the orthodoxy. The mainstream journals and media — whenever they are presented with reasonable doubts about Aids — close ranks like regimented clams … There are, naturally, vested interests involved; many bodies and individuals receive high rewards for their work within orthodox AIDS science. Underlying much of this, the pharmaceutical companies have their own obvious agenda.”

Index on Censorship, UK, Issue 3, 1999

VirusMyth – A Rethinking HIV AIDS WebSite

HIV – The AIDS Virus

Virus myth: rethinking AIDS

“If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. There is no such document.”

Dr. Kary Mullis, Biochemist, 1993 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

“Up to today there is actually no single scientifically really convincing evidence for the existence of HIV. Not even once such a retrovirus has been isolated and purified by the methods of classical virology.”

Dr. Heinz Ludwig Sanger, Emeritus Professor of Molecular Biology and Virology, Max-Planck-Institutes for Biochemistry, Munchen.

Is HIV really the cause of AIDS?

For more than 25 years, thinking people have been reevaluating the HIV=AIDS hypothesis. The number of biomedical scientists saying that the cause of AIDS is still unknown has been growing fast since the initial HIV discovery announcement in April 1984. Either scientists do not see evidence for a lethal virus called HIV — saying that it has never really been isolated — or they assert that the virus is harmless. In any case, it is helpful to remember that, in science, correlation is not causation.

To help you make better informed health decisions, this Web site archives evidence and opinions of scientists, journalists and others against the myths of AIDS. The site contains more than 1500 pages with over 1000 articles. Most of these articles have been published in (peer reviewed) journals, magazines, and newspapers.

Duesberg On AIDS Causation: The Culprit Is Noncontagious Risk Factors

Paper denying HIV–AIDS link secures publication
Work by infamous AIDS contrarian passes peer review.

video: Manufactured AIDS: The True Story Of A Big Pharma Creation
– drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BsoxvYnrkZsYyo3mthZV5KcWSYZTL5fQ/view?usp=drivesdk
– degoo:

Questioning the HIV-AIDS Hypothesis: 30 Years of Dissent

The Real Theory of AIDS | Insight Medical Publishing

The author reasonably believes: AIDS is not an infectious disease and he relates it to a special group of diseases – “diseases of chain reaction type”. According to the author, in medicine matured major revolutionary changes, in which the author is willing to participate in person.

The Great AIDS Hoax

This book asserts that AIDS is not new, that it was deliberately “concocted” from old diseases by the Centers for Disease Control and drug cartels. That it may be the third and fourth stages of syphilis under a new name. That it is not caused by a virus and is not contagious. Then what does cause it? “Drugs and poisons,” especially immunodestructive drugs. And why does it kill people? On page 69 it says, “Most of the deaths of so-called AIDS are from massive chemotherapy and drugs.” On page 91, “Almost all deaths attributed to AIDS are confirmed drug users.” On page 229, “Those who are dying of AIDS are those who are under medical care.”

AIDS, Inc. by Jon Rappoport

Virus is NOT the cause Definition of AIDS is Worthless Treatment is Poison “Anyone interested in AIDS must read this book.” Laurence E. Badgley, M.D Author of Healing AIDS Naturally Investigative reporter Jon Rappoport uncovers the shocking truth about AIDS: Thousands are dying needlessly as the medical world and media pull off the biggest scandal of our time – all for the love of power and money. AIDS INC: takes you on a sizzling behind-the-scenes tour of laboratories, newsrooms and even the White House to expose the real killers behind the disease. It’s the most explosive, myth-shattering book you’ll read this year.

AIDS — the deadly deception exposed

Neville Hodgkinson, a British journalist, has written a book in which he argues that AIDS is not caused by HIV alone, if at all. Hodgkinson further posits that AIDS has

HIV/AIDS/virus myth



“If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. There is no such document.”

Dr. Kary Mullis, Biochemist, 1993 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

“Up to today there is actually no single scientifically really convincing evidence for the existence of HIV. Not even once such a retrovirus has been isolated and purified by the methods of classical virology.”

Dr. Heinz Ludwig Sanger, Emeritus Professor of Molecular Biology and Virology, Max-Planck-Institutes for Biochemistry, Munchen.

Is HIV really the cause of AIDS?

For more than 25 years, thinking people have been reevaluating the HIV=AIDS hypothesis. The number of biomedical scientists saying that the cause of AIDS is still unknown has been growing fast since the initial HIV discovery announcement in April 1984. Either scientists do not see evidence for a lethal virus called HIV — saying that it has never really been isolated — or they assert that the virus is harmless. In any case, it is helpful to remember that, in science, correlation is not causation.

To help you make better informed health decisions, this Web site archives evidence and opinions of scientists, journalists and others against the myths of AIDS. The site contains more than 1500 pages with over 1000 articles. Most of these articles have been published in (peer reviewed) journals, magazines, and newspapers.