The following material presents the German Economic Miracle of 1932-1939 that extricated the German economy from the big-bank induced “great depression” and eliminated unemployment in Germany in less than four years, precisely according to the solvent currency economic plan of the National Socialists. Indeed, this phenomenon and their unsurpassed industrial economic marvel matches your solvent currency concept nearly exactly. After reading “The Creature from Jekyll Island,” “The Myth of German Villainy,” “The Six Million: Fact or Fiction,” and the material below, you will see why I compare Adolf Hitler to Captain Moroni.
The communist kabbalah destroys every competing economy and invents a sordid myth about it to cover its tracks. Below is a list of economies or leaders of world economies crushed by the communists.
Carthage crushed by Rome
Napoleon Bonaparte, 1800-1815. It took this long for the banker communists to defeat his economically solvent empire.
1861-1865, crushing of the U.S. south by the yankee banker communists.
1914 and 1939 – crushing of the German economy – twice
1962-1975 – crushing of the Vietnamese
1990/91 and 2003 – Iraq, Saddam Hussein
2003 – current: Afghanistan for its opium
2012 – Carthage again, this time under Muammar Qadaffi/Libya
2012 – current: Bashar al Assad in Syria for a natural gas pipeline
– see my two articles, third in outline form
2013 – current: Venezuela because of its economic independence (oil)
Top material then narrative.
Pre-WWII Germany is the best friend of freedom in the modern age. Adolf Hitler brought the Germans together to defy the banker vultures and set up banking freedom.
General Patton: We Fought The Wrong Enemy – The Greatest Story Never Told Segment by Dennis Wise YTC
How Hitler Defied the Bankers and Showed the World A Better Way
How Hitler Defied the International Bankers
How Hitler defied the Bankers
How Hitler Tackled Unemployment and Revived Germany’s Economy
– by Mark Weber
How Hitler Rescued Germany’s Economy, by Mark Weber
National Socialist Germany’s Economic Recovery (Part 1) – Mark Weber
part 2:
Mark Weber – the real Winston Churchill
Hitler was NOT Funded by Rothschilds
Hitler’s War against Freemasonry
Hitler was not a Rothschild-British agent
This video explains how the German National Socialists under Hitler extricated the German economy from the grip of the NWO international bankers.
Secret combinations are the origin of the NWO and the “the jews” contempt and ensuing war against Germany, 1933-1945. The Germans expelled the secret societies, aka secret combinations, and we know the result and current history since then. This is the underlying cause of WWII never taught in formal circles. Germany’s becoming independent by first eradicating the secret societies then extricating herself from the crushing NWO/international bankers’ “Web of Debt” (book by Ellen Brown) would have meant the near immediate loss of the NWO’s international empire, which is why the “jews” declared economic war on Germany in 1933. Remember that “the jews” is a term the NWO uses to disguise its international operations – including the current state of “Israel,” so in reality, the NWO declared war on Germany in 1933. This also alludes to the power of the international secret combination.
Henry C. K. Liu, “Nazism and the German Economic Miracle,” Asia Times (May 24, 2005)
Hitler’s Barter System the Cause of WW2 – Defying the Jewish Money Monopoly
Adolf Hitler’s Greatest Speech
Adolf Hitler addressed the Industry Club in Düsseldorf
12 Things You Were Not Told About Adolph Hitler and Nazi Germany
How Journalists Covered the Rise of Mussolini and Hitler: Reports on the rise of fascism in Europe were not the American media’s finest hour
Hitler was NOT Funded by Rothschilds
How Hitler Defied the Bankers and Showed the World A Better Way
++ How Hitler Tackled Unemployment and Revived Germany’s Economy
The Nazi Economic Miracle
How did the Nazis reduce unemployment? (The Nazi Miracle)
How did Hitler reduce unemployment in Nazi Germany?
NAZI GERMANY: Reducing Unemployment in Nazi Germany
This single article explains why “the jews” – I mean the NWO who use “the jews” as their scapegoat to hide their activities – declared WWII on Germany in 1933. Hitler and the German National Socialists revolutionized both the German economy and world trade by using barter and labor as currency, which destroyed the grip of the international bankers and their use of currency to divide the world economy and keep it in slave status. Had Hitler and National Socialist Germany continued, they would have liberated the world economy from NWO control and transformed it into a cooperative venture of independent, self-reliant states. From the NWO’s perspective, “Hitler sidestepped the bankers by creating his own money, thereby freeing the German people. Worse, this freedom and prosperity threatened to spread to other nations. Hitler had to be stopped!” Hitler’s releasing the world economy from the death grip of NWO banker debt “Naturally terrified the bankers, since it eliminated their powers. It also terrified the Jews, since their control of banking allows them to buy the media, the government, and
everything else.”
This all falls directly in line with the U.S. Constitution, which requires the U.S. Treasury to control the production and value of currency, which directly contradicts the current and fraudulent use of the Federal Reserve. When “a government issues currency in carefully measured ways, it causes supply and demand to increase together, leaving prices unaffected. Hence there is no inflation, no debt, no
unemployment, and no need for income taxes.” Indeed, the bankers control the world economy through their control of currency and debt. There are ways to counteract this control, but these methods require strict discipline and management, which regretfully are in short supply in the world today.
Henry C. K. Liu, “Nazism and the German Economic Miracle,” Asia Times (May 24, 2005)
Hitler’s Economic Miracle – The Greatest Ever! by Friedrich Paul Berg
Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People (1984), Sheldon Emry Hitler’s freedom from International Debt Slavery
Henry Makow, “Hitler Didn’t Want World War” (jew distraction and distortion)
The Strength of German Nationalist Economy – And Why The NWO Had To Destroy It (keep and drive)
– Hitle turned the strength of the economy in favor of the German citizen insted of the private banker, as demonstrated by Henry Liu. “In the US Banking Panic of 1907, J P Morgan (1837-1913) did in essence the same thing. He strong-armed US banks to agree to settle accounts among themselves with clearinghouse certificates he issued rather than cash and thus illegally increased the money supply without involving the government, and ended up owning a much larger share of the financial sector paid for with his own paper, ironically with the gratitude of the government. The difference was that the economic benefit went to Morgan personally rather than to the nation as in Nazi Germany and the private money was used to save the banks rather than to save the unemployed.”
– Lowest-wage earning Germns entitled to an annual cruise for $8 per day
If They Think They Can Intimidate Us – Goebbels
The Speech Every American Should Hear
Evalion Why Hitler Wasn’t Evil
The Whole Truth by Joseph Goebbels
Garrity, John A. “The New Deal, National Socialism, and the Great Depression,” American Historical Review, Vol. 78 (October 1973). The New Deal in the U.S. was very similar to European fascist economic policies.
das Reich, May 1940. Hitler and Roosevelt: A German Success, An American Attempt
text by Mark Weber, verbal only:
“An interesting analysis comparing the American and German approaches to the Great Depression appeared in a May 1940 issue of the Berlin weekly paper Das Reich, one of wartime Germany’s most literate and thoughtful periodicals.
The article, titled “Hitler and Roosevelt: A German Success, An American Attempt,” cited what it called the “Parliamentary Democratic System of the United States” as a key factor in the failure of the Roosevelt Administration’s efforts to improve the economy. The article stated, “We Germans began with an idea and carried out the practical measures without regard for consequences. America began with many practical measures that, without intercoherence, covered over each wound with a special bandage.”
This video explains in detail how the Germans extricated their economy from the debt-financed and current world economy and built a debt-free economic system that they also exported to international partners in the form of international barter. The NWO/Vatican/”jews” knew that they had to act to eradicate the German system quickly and even salt the earth so it never grew back again – especially since it did after their failed attempt at crushing it using WWI – or they would soon lose their worldwide domination. They responded by concocting WWII.
The German War Against Globalism – Was Hitler Right About Everything?
This short documentary by VertigoPolitix channel explains in detail how hitler was right about globalism all along.