FE Riddles
1. Prove the earth is moving.
– Water in a container at rest remains perfectly still.
– Airy’s Failure 1871.
– Michelson-Morley 1887.
2. Prove the surface of the earth curves downwards like a ball.
– Water is flat and level on its surface. 70% of the surface of the earth is covered with water.
– Bedford Levels 1836.
– Numerous laser flat tests.
2a. What is the geometrically required rate of curve of the surface of the earth? Why can one see Oahu from Kauai, which should be 6666 ft lower than straight across on the horizon?
2b. How do people live right-side up on northern continents but horozontally at the equator and upside on southern continents, according to the “spinning sphere model”?
3. How does the atmospheric pressure of the earth remain despite the “infinite vacuum” of space? Where is the container/barrier that protects the atmosphere from “space”?
4. Prove the moon landings actually happened.
5. Prove “gravity” exists and is a force. Why can’t “gravity” hold birds and insects tight to the earth like it does the ocean, mountains, buildings, cars, etc.? Why can’t “gravity” pull down a 300-ton ship through the water, or a block of wood, or a cube of ice, or a human being down through the water? Or a 40-ton aircraft down through the air while it’s flying?
6. How does “relativity” function?
7. Describe OPERATIONS FISHBOWL and DOMINIC in 1962. Look it up if you have to.
8. If the earth is so much bigger than the moon, wouldn’t it fill the “sky” as viewed from the moon, as the 2018 “nasa” image shows, and not a small speck as shown at the time of the fake “moon landing,” 1969?
9. Prove the sun and moon exist other than only as circling lights in the sky, just as the Bible describes.
10. Why is moonlight cold?
11. What is MSL (mean sea level) and how does it reference a perfectly flat universal plane?
Most important rIddles:
What is the tree of life and what does it mean? What is the fruit of the tree of life?
What is the most important aspect of all the Holy Creator’s creation?
Solution in the attached images.