international “politics” – “war”

The truth is sobering, indeed. Truth includes the power of large corporate “governments” (control-minds). Jesus Christ himself implied that we can not avoid the kingdoms or governments (control-mind) of the earth when he advised us to “give unto Caesar that which is Caesars,” which even following the ancient adage “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.”

Progression of communist rule from Babylon to Rome. The power of Rome diversified to medieval Europe with the Holy Roman Catholic Empire now the “New World Order” and medieval Middle East ruled to this day by vatican-created Islam.

So why do the worst abusers of human rights known to the modern international community, i.e, the “communist” countries (but communism is only a subset of socialism and socialism will steal you blind while wearing a suit and tie while talking on teevee and surrounded by MIB security and expect you to like it) call themselves “republics”? China is the “People’s Republic of China” and North Korea the “People’s Democratic Republic of North Korea.” But the U.S. congratulates itself for being the hallmark of “freedom and democracy,” also calling itself a “republic.” So when the opposite ends of the government “freedom” spectrum both claim the same term, then further analysis is necessary because someone is lying (which is always the case with modern “governments” (control-minds). The term “republic” indeed becomes meaningless when both the “democratic” states and the “communist” states use it. Therefore, one must investigate the use of the term as applied to the modern international community. In a simple review of the current use of the “Republic” one observes that the modern “Republic” resembles nothing more complex than a “kingdom” or “empire” disguised as a “democracy.” Indeed, the same class of people are in control now that have controlled countries since the origin of large corporate “governments” (control-minds) represented by ancient Egypt.

One can easily recognize the lamanite-style combined (“allied”) destruction of the relatively innocent and competitive Nephites, in this case, the Germans. Twice. WW2 was a continuation of the “civil war” in the US (1860-1865) which was a war of economic aggression and coup d’etat against the entire US government by the international world order, at that time led mainly by vatican leadership.we now see evidence of a “new” world order led by corporate (aka “allied”) forces from Washington, DC which parasitically saps the economic resources from its host, the US economy, but operates in opposition to the very source of its power. Ref to Jacob chapter 5, the higher branches of the olive tree taking strength from the root thereof.

Jacob chapter 5 in the Book of Mormon therefore describes the model of decline or survival of large empires based on their sapping excessive resources and personal autonomy from their base, including Egypt when Moses escaped with the Israelites, Greece (decline to Rome 400-200 AD), Rome (decline 300 AD), the European “medieval” kingdoms which are Europe today, and as a large example the Austro-Hungarian Hapsburg Empire (decline early 1900s, read Mein Kampf) not to mention WW1, WW2, all “wars” since and all the European “wars” since 1492 and for that matter all “wars,” ever – all due to “corruption” involving all sorts of iniquity from “graft” (theft at the government level, ie, nasa’s $60M per day) to slavery to institutional sexual immorality such as welcome homosexuality in Greece and Rome.

To analyze “wars,” then, one must analyze the government and the society behind each warring faction, such as the modern industrialized parasitic “allies” conquering much less modernized and much less industrialized Iraq, Libya, and Syria, for example. The main colonial force of the modern international community originates with the economic industrial strength of the US society behind the US “government” (which obviously does not represent the Christ-loving populace or the constituent people or its constituent States – ref the well-disguised coup d’etat of 1860-1865). So one observes the disconnect and even conflict between the “allied” US, Britain, French, Canadian, and Australian governments (ref the current oppression of all these societies by their “covid” governments) as a case in point – the “allied” governments operate in conflict and oppression of their own populace, but use their material resources, i.e., financing and technology, to force their ideology on other countries such as Iran (1954 and 1979), Iraq (1991 and 2003), Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, Colombia, WW1 on Germany, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire, WW2 on Germany and Japan, Spain (1898), US Confederate States (1860-1865), Mexico (1848), France (1800-1815), the Dutch Insurrection against Spain (vatican domination)(1568–1648) which led to the notion of “international sovereignty” at the Treaty of Westphalia (1648), among many other examples.

The only “governments” (control-minds) and/or that will ever survive and prosper are those that follow the ideology of Jesus Christ, the largest and most successful of these represented by the kingdom of David and Solomon, the leadership of King Benjamin in the Book of Mosiah, and the reign of the judges in the Book of Alma – all of these prospering until they fell away from following the principles of Jesus Christ, as scripturally predicted and described by contemporary prophets and by Jacob chapter 5.