Flat Earth Books – Gregory Garrett

Gregory Garrett produces a fabulous amount of high quality in-depth research. Please read, learn, and contemplate truth for yourself, for study is the only path to gaining wisdom and STUDY is the guidance from Jesus Christ himself.

Below: The Flat Earth Trilogy Book of Secrets I, II, and III by Gregory Garrett

Jesus Christ is the King of Peace. Gregory Garrett proclaims that all of his writings orient on Jesus Christ, such that if we learn nothing else from his material we should focus on Jesus Christ first and foremost. Thanks, Gregory, for your witness of our Lord, Master, Supreme Scientist, and Protector Creator, JESUS CHRIST.

Biblical Cosmology

No Apology Necessary Atheism Refuted

The Flat Earth Trilogy Book of Secrets I – Gregory Garrett

The Flat Earth Trilogy Book of Secrets II – Gregory Garrett

The Flat Earth Trilogy Book of Secrets III – Gregory Garrett

One Deception to Rule Them All


The Myth of Gravity

MCToon Clown Prince of Gravity


Scientism Unmasked

The Scientism Delusion

Apotheosis and The Cosmos

Tricked by The Light

The Serpent With a Thousand Faces

Slave to The Technium

Gregory Garret on the NWO – Vatican – Rome – Babylon – Egypt – Lucifer

The Dark Cabal

The Shadow Empire

Release The Kraken

The Gnostic Luciferian New Age Babylon Revisted

The Invisible Enemy