The Fraudulent Economics of “Space Exploration”
From a financial standpoint, spending “money” on anything requires a legitimate purpose and result. One would expect that spending $20 trillion on a “space exploration mission” would yield significant benefits. This exact type of “operation” exists now, which are the “Mars exploration” missions including “satellites,” “rovers,” and “helicopters.” A similar such “operation” existed in the late 1960s / early 1970s known as the six “Apollo Missions,” aka “moon landings,” which cost more than $350 million each.
A look at the existing budget for “space exploration.” NASA™ budget for 2023: $32.41 billion, $88.8 million per day. “Mars”mission budget 2023: $822 million, included in the “nasa”™ budget. Six Apollo “moon landing”missions, average $402.5 billion, total $2.42 trillion. “NASA” total spent as of 2023: $1.422 billion, $22.22 billion per year starting in 1960.
Is it better to spend the money “on earth” or on a “space exploration mission?” Let’s take a look at where this fiat money goes. “NASA”™ declares in numerous articles the existence of an “impenetrable barrier in space,” aka the “Van Allen Belts,” that is so thick and rigid that even electrons can not pass through it, and the top of this barrier exists at an altitude of 11,500 km (6900 miles) above the surface of the earth.(1) “NASA”™ also reports the results of OPERATION DOMINIC and OPERATION FISHBOWL (1962) that confirmed this barrier by launching highly explosive hyperbaric warheads against what they knew was the barrier, but the missiles did not penetrate the barrier. So “nasa” and the US military directly inform the “Congressional federal reserve scientific community” that nothing can fly higher than 7000 miles above the surface of the earth. This definitely contradicts the 249,000 miles to the “moon landings.”
The “science” of the “universities”™ of the Congressional federal reserve system preach that an “infinite vacuum” exists in space. One can compare this to a universal suction force of millions of tons of psi (pounds per square inch) sucking away in all directions, because in their definition, “space” encircles the “spinning ball of the earth,” aka the “globe.” However, the high schools of the same Congressional federal reserve system teach in their 10th grade chemistry instruction that a pressurized gas system can not exist next to a vacuum without a barrier or container. This is a simple observation provable by the pressure inside a rubber balloon, a car tire, or any pressurized can such as hair spray or WD-40. Once the barrier of the balloon or the car’s tire, or the valve of the pressurized can becomes ruptured or open, the once-pressurized air escapes into the surrounding air of lower pressure and the pressure disappears. The air pressure on the surface of the earth is no different – no mere 14 psi could exist next to the overwhelming psi of the “infinite vacuum of space.” So either the “infinite vacuum of space” exists or the air pressure of the earth exists, but both can not. One must make the observation that the 14 psi air pressure exists, after all, and therefore the “infinite vacuum of space” does not. There is no reconciliation of this simple physical observation and this matches the “nasa” observation of an “impenetrable barrier in space.” Conclusion: “space” can not exist. “Space” is fake. “Space” and everything about it is complete mythology, and spending anything on it is complete fraud.
Genesis 1:6 in English declares “let there be a firmament between the waters above and the waters beneath.” Instead of “firmament,” however, the original Hebrew Scripture uses the term raqia which connotes a solid, impenetrable, dome-shaped covering. Quite interesting and telling that the “nasa”™ announcement of the “impenetrable barrier” matches Scripture precisely. “nasa” even posts an image of the earth that matches the original Scriptural depiction of a plane surface covered by a dome.(2) Genesis 1:6 in French uses the term voûte for “firmament,” which means vault. Isaiah 40:22 in Spanish also declares boveda, which means vault, whereas the English uses “circle.” For this and many other reasons, the English is the least reliable of the “Bible” translations.
“nasa” depiction of the earth posted at
Original Scriptural depiction.
As a technical reference, CIA and “nasa”™ flight lab studies assume all aircraft fly over a flat non rotating surface.(3) In total, more than 44 flight lab documents record that the entire flight lab community of the Congressional federal reserve system assumes a flat non rotating earth, which is the complete opposite model of a “spinning ball in space.” The Michelson-Morley experiment that occurred in Ohio in 1887 proved beyond measurable doubt that the earth does not move, whatsoever, which agrees with 15 Bible references that declare the same (Psalms 93:1, 96:10,104:5, 89:90).(4) One can easily observe this using a clear container of any liquid, i.e., a water bottle. First of all, the water in the container left at rest on any surface will eventually cease all motion, and second, the surface of water is always and unquestionably flat and level from one side to the other. One can turn the water bottle lengthwise 360 degrees and the surface of the water inside will remain absolutely flat and level. The horizon of the ocean, for example, is flat and level, hence the term “horizontal,” and as 70% of the earth is covered with water, then 70% of the earth matches the “nasa”™ and “CIA” flight lab assumption of a flat non rotating earth. As a geographic reference, half of the 30% of dry land is also flat plains, meaning that at least 85% of the earth matches the “nasa”™ assumption. There is no reconciling this observation. On a linguistic note, “nasa”™ in Hebrew means to lie.
So the analysis of any “space exploration mission” is simple, as follows. “Space” does not exist and any and all fiat currency spent on it is fraud lining the pockets of specially selected “government agencies”™ for the specific luciferian purpose of denying the existence of the Holy Elohim Creators and their glorious motionless earth, along the way turning thin air into real purchasing power to acquire real goods and services, all at the expense of those who create such services. This is a colossal money laundering operation, no different than all other “programs”™ of the Congressional federal reserve system. Thus, the entire “space program” is pure mythology including the “moon landings,” the “international space station,” “satellites,” and “nasa’s”™ “rockets,” which are nothing but unmanned helium balloons with fuel burners underneath them to make the appearance of rocket propulsion. Yes, the “space shuttle explosions” were entirely faked (and no “astronauts” died – “astronaut” meaning astro-nothing), as were the “moon landings”™ and the JFK assassination, as well as many others.
Pro: Potential to “learn about space.”
Con: “Space” is a myth and complete fraud.
End of discussion.
Image: “nasa space shuttle”™ deploying a “satellite” but a human face appears in the background. Where are the “stars in space”?
Link to “satellite” video:
Remember when the “nasa” space shuttle was launching a new missile and a huge human face appeared in the background? How does a huge human face, larger than the space shuttle, get into space?
This is the entire live video. Spin forward to 3m 35 sec to see the stage hand in the shot.
(1) Search “impenetrable barrier in space.” Numerous articles exist. Example: Scientists Discover Impenetrable Barrier 11,500 km above Earth,
(3) “NASA Reference Publication 1207” p. 1.
(4) Psalms 93:1, 96:10, 104:5, 89:90, 1 Chronicles 16:30, 1 Samuel 2:8, Joshua 10:12-13, Zechariah 1:11