Secular Science Proves Scripture Correct
1. Moses in Egypt – he was a scholar of Egyptian science, having learned all as a Prince of Egypt – and Moses wrote Genesis 1:6, “raqia”
2. 1958 encyclopedia – dome at 13,000 ft 80 degress S 90 deg east
3. Piccard and Kipfer 1932 – “flat disk with an upturned edge”
4. Operations Highjump, Dominic, and Fishbowl: Admiral Byrd confirmed the raqia then the controllers established the Antarctica Treaty to block access
5. Experiments: 1832 Rowbotham – Bedford Levels – no curve, 1871 Airy’s Failure: stars move not the earth, earth does not move, 1887 Michelson-Morley earth does not move, 1913 Sagnac – aether exists, 1925 Michelson-Gale aether moves with raqia