Discussion and images below.
gravity and relativity hoax – FB album
gravity hoax – don’t believe in gravity
audio: Alex Michael, Conspiracy Music Guru
– Please download and share.
Gravity: Is It A Fact or Just A Theory?
Jan 22, 2021
The Universal Theory of Gravity is typically taught in schools in the form of a fact, which is actually incorrect.
To be honest, the Universal Theory of Gravity is not even a decent theory, let alone a fact. The main controversy with this theory is the use of the word- “universal.” This is because the laws of gravity are not applicable in a universal sense. (This article demonstrates the fraud of “gravity.” Full article below.)
gravity hoax, Newton fraud – FE
Fc = mv^2/r, N = kg*m/s^2 = bw(g).
m=75 kg, v=465m/s (1040 mph), r=6.37 M m (3960 mi)
F”g” = 1N(bw)
Fg(1040mph) = 2.55 N [bw] , 3 N kills
This also happens to be the weight of the body. In the MKS system, weight is measured in Newtons, where 1 Newton = 1 kg-m/s2. Once you have measured the mass of a body in kilograms and calculated its weight in Newtons using the value 9.8 m/s2 for g, you can easily convert to Gs and back again. Two Gs equal twice the weight of the object, a quarter G equals one-fourth its weight and so on.
• https://sciencing.com/convert-newtons-gforce-8720337.html
An extended force as low as negative 3 Gs can prove fatal.
• https://www.mcall.com/news/mc-xpm-2005-06-21-3600304-story.html
Newton’s “gravity” is a fraud. Why is it still only a theory after 500 years? Answer: because it is not measureable or discoverable, it is not consistent, it is not universal, and therefore it is not a law. It is, then, completely meaningless.
What’s Wrong With Newtonian Gravity?
Newton declares why, himself.
— “It is inconceivable that inanimate Matter should, without the Mediation of something else, which is not material, operate upon, and affect other matter without mutual Contact…That Gravity should be innate, inherent and essential to Matter, so that one body may act upon another at a distance thro’ a Vacuum, without the Mediation of any thing else, by and through which their Action and Force may be conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an Absurdity that I believe no Man who has in philosophical Matters a competent Faculty of thinking can ever fall into it. Gravity must be caused by an Agent acting constantly according to certain laws; but whether this Agent be material or immaterial, I have left to the Consideration of my readers.” – Newton, Medieval Magician
Gravity: It’s Only a Theory
Gravity: it is all in your head
The Absolute Fraud of Gravity
The Non-Existent Force of Gravity and Lots More! LIVE!
Gravity Does Not Exist – Eric Dubay
Newton and gravity is a fraud
Exposed scientific messages show gravity is a fraud
Jay Hancock
Carbon Fixated does a lovely job putting the global-warming emails stolen from the University of East Anglia in perspective. In exposing correspondence involving Issac Newton and other 17th-century researchers, he shows them to have been altering papers, shielding data from the public and agreeing to publish incorrect data.
Obviously the only conclusion to draw is that they foisted a giant fraud on a gullible public.
Da Skarekrow Vs Gravity
Da Skarekrow No Gravity Rise Up Anthems
FE Proof – gravity and antarctica aren’t what you think
ULTIMATE FLAT EARTH REPORT – Gravity Conspiracy Footage Leaked – Dome Confirmed, Bible Was Right ?
FE – gravity is a lie
7. Gravity Holds No Water on Flat Earth
anvil floating on mercury
Don’t Believe in Gravity
karaoke: https://youtu.be/kE8OXaQLltk
internet search: gravity myth
(garbage) The Myth of Gravity
A new model in which gravity is not a fundamental force could—counterintuitively—give a controversial quantum gravity theory a boost. It may also change our picture of spacetime, and do away with dark energy.
Gravity is a Myth
Javad Fardaei*
Independent Researcher, California, USA
25 silly myths about Earth, space, and physics that drive me crazy
gravity and other myths
Myths vs realities
Einstein is a fraud
Einstein the Zionist/Plagiarist EXPLAINED
“gravity” is nothing but an observed rate of fall and has no bearing on the real world outside of a vacuum, which does not exist in nature. This definition illustrates the limits of the concept.
“Gravity” is a wive’s tale. A Greek-style myth. So is relativity.
If an historical clown started spouting “gravity” more than 500 years ago, why is it still only a “theory”? Answer: because it adheres only to the colloquial definition and is a scientific absurdity.
What about gravity? – playlist
How Incoherent Electrostatic Acceleration Creates The Downward Vector – gravity hoax
Part 1
Part 2
Sunday 24 July 2022
Gravity Hoax ! Heliopsychosis Podcast Live #VikkaDraziv
“gravity” hoax and fraud – Keith Cameron Smith
– three body problem
Link: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10160061545488288&id=586693287
Einstein is a fraud and so is “relativity”: Airy’s Failure, Michelson/Morley, Sagnac, and Michelson/Gale. For the intellectually curious.
1871 – Airy’s Failure: stars move, not the earth
1887 – Michelson/Morley: earth does not move through space
1905 – Einstein’s fraud, “relativity” (Einstein did not invent the theory; he was merely the identity that published it, similar to Copernicus’ did not invent heliocentrism, which is the theory behind “de revolutionibus orbium coelestium”)
1913 – Sagnac: proof the aether exists
1925 – Michelson/Gale: light moves through the aether
Airy’s Failure Experiment- The Earth DOESN’T MOVE
Airy’s Failure; Michelson-Morley; Sagnac Experiment
Michelson-Morely and Sagnac:
The GLOBE was DEBUNKED 100 Years Ago by the Scientific Community | FLAT EARTH SCIENCE
Scientific Proof THE EARTH DOES NOT MOVE : Michelson–Morley Experiment
Michelson-Morley (1887) and Sagnac (1913) destroy heliocentrism (globe earth) and the Theory of Relativity (1905, 1915). True science proves the fallacy of Einstein’s fraudulent “relativity” and that the earth does not move. The stars turn overhead like a child’s rotating starscape and the sun and moon travel in circular orbits above the flat earth. All the schools and their degree industry are lying to us.
Five experiments that prove a stationary earth
5 Hidden Peer-reviewed Scientific Experiments that prove a stationary motionless Earth
Simplest Irrefutable Flat Earth Proof
Albert Einstein was a Fraud
This video (Einstein) shows the fraud of Einstein (much written on this), how his theory of relativity (1905, 1915) attempted to debunk the Michelson-Morely experiment (1887, that proved decisively that the earth does not move by arbitrarily assuming away the aether). Relativity as indoctrinated in the schools therefore only works if there is no aether, but then Sagnac (1913) proved decisively that the aether exists after all, which destroyed relativity for good. However, the heliocentric schools make no mention of these experiments, and most of humanity continue to believe the fake globe earth. IOW, true science destroys heliocentrism and relativity, but the science of the secret combination ignores it.
Albert Einstein was a Fraud
removed: http://coconutrevival.com/?p=5656
restored: https://web.archive.org/web/20171126172733/http://coconutrevival.com/?p=5656
shared: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CHDOVCSGoWImuP7d7N-cm57vpiit7t7RT2mU2JqTJiM/edit?usp=sharing
Einstein’s Idiots – series by Bill Gaede
30-video series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSJjs4l_FHU
English: http://youstupidrelativist.com/Eng.html
Castellano: http://youstupidrelativist.com/Cast.html
“The Manufacture and Sale of St. Einstein”
problems with heliocentrism, i.e., sun worship
Here is an amazing compilation: https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-earth-is-flat-stationary-destroying-the-freemasonic-luciferian-globalist-globe-lie
Luciferian Hoax: Universities and The Spinning Ball
No Movement and No Curve: Heliocentrism Hoax
– My History
– All examples
“”the globe,” “gravity,” “relativity,” and quantum physics
– moving easrth
– 3-body problem
– pull from distant bodies – no indication
– from the sun – where is it?
– should be able to measure it
– “comets” and “asteroids” – that curiously never fly upwards
– moon craters – perpendicular, directly from earth
– moonlight is cold – not from the sun
– should not be able to see interior three “planet” stars at night
– night view should become 180 degrees out of polarity, i.e., summer to winter – it does not
– north star motionless
– reliable navigation equipment: sextant, astrolabe, antykythera, Gnomon, Kamal
– heliopsychosis
– Einstein fraud
– FB albums: heliocentrism hoax, sun/moon/stars, etc.
No “spinning earth” :
– Any random uncontrolled asymmetrical motion, i.e., dissonant force, reduces and ultimately destroys the motion of the system. The sloshing of oceans causes this dissonant force and ultimately destroys “rotation.”
– The nonsymmetrical weight of the pyramids alone destroys rotation.
The timeline below shows why and how this joker and Korohir deceived the entire world of “academia” through vast assistance from the jesuits/illuminati/masons, the jews, the vatican, and Rome’s new rulers, and ultimately all governments, “schools,” and “universities.”
Albert Einstein was a Fraud
restored: https://web.archive.org/web/20171126172733/http://coconutrevival.com/?p=5656
shared: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CHDOVCSGoWImuP7d7N-cm57vpiit7t7RT2mU2JqTJiM/edit?usp=sharing
Einstein the Zionist/Plagiarist EXPLAINED
Einstein’s Idiots – series by Bill Gaede
30-video series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSJjs4l_FHU&list=PL3B28589DA3E2FF14
English: http://youstupidrelativist.com/Eng.html
Castellano: http://youstupidrelativist.com/Cast.html
“The Manufacture and Sale of St. Einstein”
How Einstein Made The Earth Move (When All Experiments Showed it Didn’t Move)
pdf: http://bit.ly/einsteinsungenis
“The Principle” by Dr. Robert Sungenis, ref Geocentrism
Newton and gravity is a fraud
Exposed scientific messages show gravity is a fraud
Einstein was a FRAUD
by Tim B
Like so many other people on this Earth, I was led to believe that Albert Einstein was the “Greatest” scientist that the world has ever known.
But just as so much of so-called ‘history’ has been fabricated in order to brainwash the public into believing myths that serve the parasitic controllers, so was Albert Einstein created into a mythic figure in order to support those ends.
Unfortunately, many generations of trusting students have been brainwashed into believing in this fraud, and hailed Einstein as a shinning example of scientific genius.
He was nothing of the sort. Einstein was a total fraud.
The Einstein Timeline
1700 Newton predicts the deflection of light around the sun, something Einstein plagiarized as his 1911 prediction without even mentioning, much less citing, Newton.
1801 Johann Georg von Soldner publishes his predictions which Einstein plagiarizes as his own predictions 114 years later, never citing Soldner in “his” 1915 paper.
1827 78 years before Einstein gets credit for it, Robert Brown in Scotland explains Brownian Movement, yet Einstein never even cited him.
1878 James Maxwell in Scotland publishes Special Theory of Relativity in Encyclopedia Britannica, which Einstein then publishes as his own in 1905, without ever even citing Maxwell [it seems incomprehensible that Einstein could have copied an article from an encyclopedia, submitted it as his own work, and never get questioned by the hundreds of professors and publishers who must have reviewed it].
1879, March 14 Einstein born in Württemberg, Germany
1887 Michelson-Morley experiment suggests there is no ether, an observation made by Einstein in his 1905 papers in which he never even cited Michelson or Morley.
1888 Heinrich Hertz publishes his paper on the photoelectric effect, a paper which Einstein failed to cite.
1889 George Fitzgerald in Ireland publishes his paper about the theory of relativity, a paper which Einstein never even cited, even though Fitzgerald’s numerous collaborators did cite him.
1890 Ludwig Boltzmann of Austria and Josiah Gibbs of the US develop the Boltzmann Constant.
1892 Hendrik Lorentz in the Netherlands publishes the Lorentz Transformations.
1895 At age 16, Einstein fails a simple entrance exam to an engineering school in Zurich, Switzerland.
1896 At age 17, Einstein becomes a high school drop out, his German citizenship is revoked, and he enrolls in the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich.
1898 Paul Gerber in Germany publishes the exact equations in Annalen der Physik (also in “Science of Mechanics”, a book that Einstein is known to have studied) which Einstein publishes 17 years later in 1915 as his “perihelion motion of Mercury”, in exactly the same journal, with no cites to Gerber, claiming that he was “in the dark”, only to confess in 1920 to his crime, under pressure.
1898 Poincare in France wrote the paper on the theory of relativity, which never mentions Einstein, which Einstein plagiarizes as one of his 1905 papers without ever citing Poincare.
1900 Max Planck and Wilhelm Wien of Germany develop the quantum theory which Einstein plagiarizes as his “Light Quantum” paper in 1905, never even citing either Planck or Wien.
1901 At age 22, after five years at Swiss Federal Polytechnic School, Einstein graduates with the lowest grade point average in the class, becomes a Swiss citizen, and gets the lowest ranking position an engineer could get in the patent office, technical assistant.
1902 Einstein sires his first mental mushroom, an illegitimate daughter Lieserl, who’s believed to have had Downs Syndrome and was put up for adoption.
1903 Olinto de Pretto publishes E=mc^2 in Atte, a scientific magazine known to be read by Einstein, which he later claimed as his own work, never citing de Pretto.
1904 Einstein sires his only normal child, Hans Albert, whose main claim to fame seems to have been to keep up his subscription to Applied Mechanics Review for 20 years.
1904 Friedrich Hasenohrl of Germany, citing J.J. Thomson of England and W. Kaufmann of Sweden, publishes E=mc^2 in the very same journal as Einstein plagiariazes it as his own in 1905, never citing any of the three.
1905 Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard, under whom Einstein’s wife studied, received a Nobel Prize for discovering the photo-electric effect, which Einstein then completely plagiarizes the SAME year, presenting it as “his” paper, with no references to Lenard.
1905 June 5th, Poincarre publishes Sur la dynamique de l’electron, naming the Lorentz Transformations after Lorentz, and 25 days later, on June 30th, Einstein, failing to even cite Poincarre or Lorentz, presents it as his theory of relativity.
1905 At age 26, while still a low level technical assistant at the patent office, he publishes 4 groundbreaking essays in the field of theoretical physics and quantum mechanics in Annalen der Physik, gaining him a Ph.D. from the University of Zurich and worldwide support from Zionists. He includes his WIFE Marity’s name on the papers who is rumored to have done all his math for him, who he gave all the prize money.
1907 J. Precht says of Einstein’s ridiculous twist of logic “Perhaps it will prove possible to test this theory using bodies whose energy content is variable to a high degree (e.g., salts of radium)” that such an experiment “lies beyond the realm of possible experience”.
1909 At age 30, four years after getting his Ph.D, this “genius” is still a technical assistant at the patent office, so World Jewry arranges to promote him to associate professor at Zurich University.
1910 Einstein sires his second mental mushroom, Eduardo, who dies in a sanatorium in 1965.
1919, November 7 London Times begins the jew disinformation campaign, heralding Einstein as a “genius”
1915, November 20 David Hilbert presents his paper in Berlin, citing Marcel Grossmann, including precisely the same field equations that Einstein presents as his own equations 5 days later (2 weeks after it was known that Einstein had received a copy of Hilbert’s paper and that Hilbert hadn’t received a copy of Einstein’s paper). Dingle repudiates the special theory of relativity in 1972
1915, November 25 Einstein presents “his” paper and publishes the General Theory of Relativity based on the mathematics of Marcel Grossmann and Berhard Riemann, first to develop a sound non-Euclidean geometry, which is the basis of all mathematics used to describe relativity.
1921 Einstein’s first visit to the US to promote Zionism.
1922 Einstein receives a Nobel Prize concerning the photoelectric effect, something he plagiarized from Heinrich Hertz, but who Einstein never even cites.
1932, December 9 Einstein was denied a visa to visit the US because of his “communist connections”.
1955, April 18 Einstein dies.
1972 Herbert Dingle refutes the special theory of relativity which Einstein plagiarized from him in 1915.
1993 Peter Beckman writes that Special Relativity will eventually be dismissed.
1995 The Global Positioning Satellite “works fine”, in spite of Einsteinians’ concerns that they ignored Einstein’s “theories”.
1998, December 21 Tom Van Flandern publishes in Physics Letters A that the speed of gravity must be at least 20 billion times faster than the speed of light, disproving “Einstein’s” theories.
1999 Time Magazine puts Einstein on the front cover as “person of the century”, even though he wasn’t an American, he was an enemy foreign agent, the American public never viewed Einstein as even one of their most favorite 100 people of the year, much less the century, and the last picture we want on our coffee tables is one of a LYING PLAGIARIZING demagogue.
2000 Anedio Ranfagni proves that “Einstein’s theory” about the constant speed of light is wrong.
Gravity: Is It A Fact or Just A Theory?
Jan 22, 2021
The Universal Theory of Gravity is typically taught in schools in the form of a fact, which is actually incorrect.
To be honest, the Universal Theory of Gravity is not even a decent theory, let alone a fact. The main controversy with this theory is the use of the word- “universal.” This is because the laws of gravity are not applicable in a universal sense. Let’s go through a few reasons for which we agree to the fact.
Firstly, we would bring up the topic of atoms and stars etc. No one, we repeat no one has measured gravity for each and every atom and star. It’s, therefore, simply a belief that the theory is “universal.”
Secondly, there’s another false statement commonly highlighted in school textbooks. It goes something like “the moon goes around the earth.” If the theory of gravitation is universally true, it can be said that the gravitational force of the sun on the moon is much stronger than that of the earth. Therefore, according to the theory, the moon goes around the sun rather than the earth. (And don’t forget the impossibility of the third body rotation problem – moon around the earth and the anti-harmonic motion of the ocean which would stop any “rotation” immediately – reference the example that a raw egg won’t spin but a boiled egg will.)
Thirdly, the existence of tides is often considered as an excellent proof of gravity. This statement is also logically flawed. This is because if the “gravity” of the moon were responsible for a bulge underneath it, how can one explain the occurrence of another high tide on the opposite side of the earth? One should observe that there isn’t one, but TWO high tides every day.
Our fourth point is the contradiction between the universal theory of gravity and the 2nd law of thermodynamics. The theory of gravitation suggests that the planets move in an orderly manner. That statement is a complete contradiction of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. As per the 2nd law of thermodynamics (https://courses.lumenlearning.com/introchem/chapter/the-three-laws-of-thermodynamics/), orderly orbits aren’t possible.
The 5th point is largely dependent on anti-gravity. The US Patent Office hasn’t ever issue an antigravity patent. Do you know why? According to natural law, everything should exist in opposites like good-bad, positive- negative, positive charge- negative charge etc. Anti-gravity papers aren’t usually accepted because the law of gravity itself is seriously flawed. So if the law of gravity is at fault, then it can be presumed that its opposite is also flawed to a certain extent.
The Universal theory of gravitation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_law_of_universal_gravitation, also wood, apples, etc floating on water, helium balloons rusing, etc.) is also a direct violation of common sense. This is our sixth point. Can you explain the reason as to why airplanes do not fall purely from the point of view of gravity/anti gravity? Do remember that the concept of anti gravity (https://maths.wizert.com/blog/how-students-can-get-better-at-math) is considered a myth and is rejected by many scientific establishments.
To sum up, we’ll have to say that the Theory of Universal Gravity isn’t a very attractive theory. The entire theory is based on borderline proofs. There are many serious gaps in the theory and hence we would like to say that the Universal Theory of gravitation is NOT a fact. It’s a theory; an important theory nonetheless. With that we’ll bring this article to a close. Hope you had a good read.
Save this for when someone is curious about GRAVITY & why it’s false! Also sub to Cathexis channel (:
Which gravity? Einsteinian? Or Newtonian?
A.) is gravity a force?
B.) is gravity scientific law or scientific theory?
C.) what is the cause of gravity?
Newtonian gravity is “A force”, Einsteinian gravity is not “a force” they are ‘mutually exclusive’. They are not even in the same geometry. Newtonian gravity is Euclidean 3D space; where as Einsteinian gravity is pseudo-riemannian 4D space. Let’s destroy both.
Newton implosion
“Einstein created his General theory of relativity- which provides our modern understanding of gravity with the express purpose of expunging non-locality from physics. Isaac newtons gravity acted at a distance, as if by magic, and general relativity snapped the wand in 2 by showing that the curvature of space time and not an invisible force, gives rise to gravitational attraction” Musser George: How Einstein revealed the universes “non-locality”; Scientific American Nov, 2015
According to the article above, what position does the ‘scientific community’ exclusively follow? A) Newtonian gravity B) Einsteinian gravity C) Both D) None of the above
B) Einsteinian gravity… So why are we even talking about Newtonian gravity?
Ramamurti Shankar: Professor of Physics Yale “Alright so we’re going to shoot down Newtonian physics & Maxwell’s theory. First I want to tell you what goes wrong with Newtonian mechanics. That double slit experiment is a problem; that’s what puts the NAIL IN THE COFFIN for newtonian physics. “The laws of physics are always quantum mechanical laws… you don’t have separate lives for big and small things. The real question is: how do these very same laws when applied to big things, by big things I mean the things you see in daily life, give the impression that the world is Newtonian?” So we have a double slit experiment with a Newtonian particle an electron. We close one slipped and fire a bevy of electrons and get 10 hits at point A. Well…. We get a big fat zero!!! & what does that mean we’ll “that is the end of Newtonian physics.” What is professor Shankar telling us here? Read between lines situation?
Apparently Newton himself wasn’t all that enamored/married to the idea. In a letter to doctor Richard Bentley Feb 25th, 1692 Newton says: “Tis inconceivable there inanimate brute Matter should (w/o mediation of something else which is not material) operate upon & affect other matter w/o mutual contact… “that gravity should be innate inherent and essential to matter so that one body can act upon another at a distance through a vacuum w/o mediation of anything else by and through their action or force may be conveyed from one to another is to me so great an absurdity that I believe no man who has in philosophical matters a competent faculty of thinking can ever fall into it”
Is gravity a scientific law or scientific theory?…
“There is no model of the theory of gravitation today other than the mathematical form.” Richard Feynman (Nobel Prize Physics) the character of the physical law pg 31
Wait.. What.. Huh? Rich… a mathematical “scientific theory,” eh? This is tantamount to having a “theory” of married bachelors! Mathematics @ best can only “describe” but scientific theories “EXPLAIN”… So how does that work? Richard should’ve turned in that Nobel & headed back to & passed 5th grade general science!!
“The laws of physics are always quantum mechanical loss. You don’t have separate laws for big and small things. Big things meaning reality nature. “How do you get the impression that the world is Newtonian” professor Shankar- Yale. Since all the laws of physics are ALWAYS QM laws, please show the “law of gravity” in QM…? FYI: you’d have better chances @ resurrecting Alexander the Great’s horse!
“Gravity”: Fg= “G” m1M2/r^2
A.) That’s not Newton’s equation, this is; Fg is proportional to m1M2/d^2
B.) Please validate “G” by experiment; CITE source…?
Remember, validated by experiment, it’s impossible to extract a signal that’s 1,000 times weaker than the noise. Well ahhh… Electromagnetic force: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10^38) “THE NOISE”
Gravity: “1” : “THE SIGNAL” 😂
The EM force is 10^38 times stronger than that of ‘gravity’; AND… there was No Way to factor that out. I.e., to get the signal ‘gravity’ through the noise ‘EM’!!! Validated by experiment, there is No Way to extract a signal 1,000 times weaker than the noise. The EM force is the “Noise” & it’s a little more that 1,000 times stronger than gravity… AND… moreover, especially when said “noise” (EM force” is capable of producing same effect. “ATTRACTION”
Electromagnetic force- A fundamental force in nature, The EM Force acts between charged particles and is the combination of all electrical and magnetic forces. The EM force can be attractive or repulsive. The E in force is a force of infinite range which obeys the inverse square law and is of the same form as the gravity force.
This Noise is impossible to extract a signal from 1,000 (10^3) hmmm…
But Cavendish (in 1978) isolated then pulled the “Attraction” signal from… the background noise of (10^38)??? With the accuracy of 6.75 • 10^-11 eh?? 😂
Fg= “G” m1M2/r^2
Begging the question fallacy: Where did he get that “r” (radius) from? From the librarian?? Even granting for the sake of the argument the ‘Yard that’s spun’ concerning our “librarian@– Eratosthenes, he &/or his “story tellers” patently ASSUMED the sun’s size & distance from Earth…
I.e. he had no viable independent variable= No scientific hypothesis= No experiment.
Moreover, we MUST summarily dismiss ‘the yard’ as an utter FRAUD because ‘the librarian’… NEVER PERFORMED the ‘alleged’ EXPERIMENT to begin with!!!
Eratosthenes’ methods and measures do not come from Eratosthenes himself. The accounts of this message come to us from Strabo 64 BC to 24 A.D., Pling the elder, 23 A.D. 279 A.D., and especially from Cleomedes who is believed to have lived between 200 to 100 BC, although he could have lived as recent as 300 A.D. The only detailed account is from Cleomedes (in particular, chapter 10 of his: On The circular motions of the Celestial bodies) & that’s where all of our modern understanding of Eratosthenes exploits are MOLDed from.
AND… that’s where Cleomedes unwittingly SEALS Erato’s & this entire “just so” story’s fate!
The references to Eratosthenes comes mainly from Strabo, Pliny, & Cleomedes, & here we Will firstly repeat those Testaments of Pliny & Cleomedes so that The reader has the info at hand, and then we will proceed to examine this story in order to show why it is in reality false that Eratosthenes was the first to know this method of calculating the Earth’s circumference, & that it is also false to say that he conducted an experiment based on the method itself… As we will see, the astronomical calculation itself shows that according to “Erato” info copied from Cleomedes & Strabo, it is impossible that he carried out an actual experiment according to the method described…
Fg= “G” m1M2/r^2
Every mytho-mathemagician knows that EVERY term in an equation MUST BE rigidly defined!! Looks like there’s a whole lotta ‘Mass’ in that equation… “Nature doesn’t offer us any concept as ‘the amount of Matter’. History has struck down every proposal to define such a term. Even if we could count the # of atoms or by any other counting method try to evaluate amount of matter, that number would still not equal mass” Professor John Wheeler Spacetime Physics pg.248 1992
Martin Rees; FRS, Astronomer Royal; Esteemed British cosmologist/astrophysicist… “What causes Gravity & Mass? Is the universe infinite? How did atoms assemble- on at least one star- into beings able to ponder these mysteries?
“These questions still baffle all of us. Rather than the “end of science” being nigh, we are still near the beginning of the cosmic quest.” Wait… What… Huh? Richard Feynman just said above that there was a “theory” of gravitation. What do actual “Scientific Theories” provide?… The CAUSE!!! Define boondoggle gaggle…?
ALSO, Following Professor Feynman’s declaration that it’s mytho-mathemagical…
If all you have is the “mathematical form” supporting that it’s GRAVITY (5-3=2) then how do you know it’s not: “Duccolslopelgerts” (6-4=2) “Kinichifucolsloms” (7-5=2) “Wiggleytiggleyskurts” (8-6=2) ad infinitum that’s ACTUALLY at play in lieu of “Gravity”….?
And finally…
4 fundamental forces (relative strengths) of the universe
A.) Strong Nuclear: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10^41)
B.) Electromagnetic: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10^38)
C.) Weak Nuclear: 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10^25)
D.) Gravity: 1 😂
What do you suppose ‘the Force’ of a gentle breeze is? Would it eclipse gravity? (Rhetorical) so “gravity” rules the fairytale planets/moons/stars/galaxies (Universe) eh? I mean, I root for the underdog a lot, but this fiasco is a tear jerkin belly laugher!!😅 So much for Newtonian ‘gravity’ or better said Newtonian ‘anything’
Let’s take (relativity) to the woodshed “officially”:
Einstein’s theory of general relativity is incompatible with quantum mechanics, the bizarre laws that govern the behavior of the tiny particles- such as photons & electrons- that make up the universe
“One could see that relativity & QM, the 2 most fundamental theories of matter, really contradict each other in the sense that relativity is local, it’s casual, it’s determined, it’s continuous & QM is just the opposite” -Professor David Bohm (Renowned physics professor)
Hmm… Laws of Physics=ALWAYS Quantum Mechanical Laws
Here’s the “Einsteinian” followers syllogism:
Premise 1: Einsteinian relativity (gravity) gives rise to gravitation NOT Newtonian— “Invisible force” Gravity.
P2: Einsteinian ‘relativity’ (gravity) is contradictory/incompatible with quantum mechanics.
P3: All physical laws are QM laws.
Conclusion: Therefore, Einsteinian ‘relativity’ (gravity) is TRUE!!
So… Relativity, Special Relativity & General Relativity via different mechanisms (Speed vs Gravity), can dialate/bend/warp.. TIME!!!!
Primary school falsification:
TIME is “Conceptual” relationship between 2 motions. Specifically, it’s based on an “alleged” single rotation of the Earth on it’s axis in respect to the sun (a day). It’s a ‘CONCEPT’ (non-physical). It is w/o chemical/formula/structure, no dimensionality/orthogonality, & no direction or location. You can’t put some in a jar & paint it red. I mean c’mon let’s reason together… Can you DIALATE/BEND/WARP non-physical “concepts”?? Is it your contention that if you have poison Ivy on the brain you could scratch it by thinking of sand paper? “FREEDOM” is a concept also… can you bend that?
A football field is 100 yards long but a football field isn’t yardsticks!! If I bend a yardstick.. does the football field bend also??
(yardsticks =analog to the clock)–
(Field = analog to time)
So if something affects say… Celsium Atomic Clocks, or any modern “Clock” for that matter does that then IPSO FACTO mean the Earth’s ‘alleged’ rotation in relation to the sun is affected? These 2 Mytho-Magical Fairytales (SR & GR) were falsified 30 seconds after their respective publications by 3rd graders @ recess, for goodness sakes. IN TOTO, each are massive reification fallacies on nuclear steroids!!
Grown up falsification:
Non-locality occurs due to the phenomenon of entanglement, whereby particles that interact with each other become permanently correlated, or dependent on each other’s states & properties, to the extent that they effectively lose their individuality & in many ways behave as single entity. Because of this well established phenomena in 1935, which pummeled his fairytales GR & SR, Einstein coined the phrase “spooky action at a distance”, then he & his buddies conjured a ‘thought experiment’ in a feeble attempt to debunk QM. Why? Well.. he couldn’t have anything traveling faster than the speed of light, cause You his theories would IMPLODE. (Side Note). He never published in physical review letters again, because he didn’t appreciate the paper being “peer reviewed” I.e. Pretentious, Pompus, Pseudo-scientific.
Because the seemingly impossibility of testing his thought experiment apparently covered Einstein & the very public argument between he & Niels Bohr (who was of opposite position) was regulated to dustbin of history.
But then John Bell explored the alleged ‘thought experiment’ & proposed an inequality (bell’s inequality). If it was shown to be false, Einstein & his theories would take a dirt nap.
Then John Clauser, found John Bell’s paper & rest is history. Bell’s inequality was first violated experimentally in 1972 by John Clauser & Stuart Freedman. Then in 1982, Alain Aspect PhD physics jacked it “yard” FOREVER!! Ergo, Einstein & his theories = DIRT NAP!! Since then non-locality has been CONFIRMED BY EXPERIMENT 1,875 times, w/o exception!!
Nature Physics II: “Our experiment confirms Bohr’s view that it does not make sense to ascribe the wave or particle behavior to a massive particle before the measurement takes place”.
Nature: “Our data hence imply statistically significant rejection of the local-realist null hypothesis.” I.e.; Goodbye Realism
THEREFORE: There are 2 doors that can be breached per the results of these experiments:
Door#1: Information (however they conjured that) can travel faster than speed of light.
Door#2: Space & time are illusions
Both result in Einstein’s theory going KABLOOIE! Take your pick?…
Einstein’s letter to David Bohm
“I must confess that I was not able to find a way to explain the atomistic character of nature. My opinion is if that the objective description through the field as an elementary concept is not possible then one has to find a possibility to AVOID the continuum (together with space & time) ALTOGETHER, but I have not the slightest clue what kind of elementary concepts could be used in such a theory”.
So for entanglement & non-locality— entangled particles photons or electrons etc can be separated by massive distances & their states are correlated with each other; If I measure one it will INSTANTANEOUSLY effect the other. For this to be true each of those entangled particles MUST KNOW the quantum states of Each & EVERY other single particle in the universe @ all times!!
Continuously… Instantly!!
1.) particles don’t “KNOW”, anything they’re not alive!
2.) particles don’t CREATE/CONTAIN/SEND information” Dr. James Gates “buried deep inside the equations of supersymmetry are CODES… “Error-Correcting” codes.
Underneath the Planck length 10 to -35 meters & “between the pixels (Quanta) of this reality, there are codes/equations running based on algorithms that reconcile each & all possible outcomes to preserve “universal consistency, INSTANTLY!!!<—– This is unimaginable/incomprehensible—->DESIGN!! Who creates Codes/Equations/Algorithms folks?
To overturn the scientific falsification of “Locality” please take up the Quantum Randi challenge, hence forth QRC, challenges any pseudoscientist [you as it were] who claims quantum entanglement experiments can be explained by a classically realistic & locally casual model. A Nobel Prize AND $1,000,000 (USD) is being offered: All you have to do is… Prove Naive Realism or Local Realism is true & not observation dependent. 4 years + & still no takers, I wonder why???