The “(New) Green (Socialist) Deal” – The Great (Depression) Reset

Source: “The Great (Depression) Reset” by Klaus Schwab

The Great Reset Revealed,

The Greatest Reset,

☢️Because u asked☢️
♻️The new ♻️Deal 5G📡 Horrid Truth♻️
(The death⚰️ this👇 WILL cause to humans Trees🌳 the Ecological🔄 system.

I have P.D.F files & 1 of the Worlds leading experts to back thisup (the💉 are all driven by 5G that’s part2)
if you Value My work Please share🙏🏻

some reading is involved if you read this in it’s Entirety you will be able See the new Green ♻️ deal for what it is and why they are giving us all a carbon tax as the cross over of 5G 📡 which is old technology and is a weapon🔫 to control people😵‍💫 and countries

42% of the world is going down the 5G path ( 5Ga=pentagram, COINCIDENCE?🔯

But 58% of the world Has said No ⛔️📵
And are staying with the lower waveband until they go👉 to 7G/8G=
THz radiation which is non-ionizing🔆 and is considered to be safe for humans at low powers. THz waves〰️ are strongly absorbed by water💦 molecules, which limits their penetration 🧱into tissues🧠by hundreds or even tens of microns.

You should Know that the safety ⛑️levels approved only apply to Adults ( Not Children) ✋️🚸or nursery’s🤱 day care centers. Children Are much more sensitive to microwave radiation☢️😲

Currently 20 people have been put into a list and 1 has been named to be taken to the world court⚖️ for crimes against Humaity✅️🦹‍♂️🦹‍♀️

( they are ment to take steps in the application of 5G to children🚸 and sensitive people,sick🤢 people and to survey the area these are fitted) the damage to countries thay are installing 5G will be more than any plague🤢 in history

6 professors 👨‍🏫 have gone to the world court to stop this on the grounds of mass Genocide ⚰️42% of the world is against this.
The first reports of Microwave☢️ sickness🤮 dates back to 1932
Under a freedom of informationℹ️ act =by 1971 us medical research institute the MMRNI=referenced 2300 research articles listing in excess of 120 impairments🤕 and illnesses attributed to Microwave📡 radiation☢️ so massive amounts of information of the dangers are fully Documented 📝

The industrial complex📊 reply was = If the more technically advanced nations of the West are strick in Enforcement of Stringent⚖️ & Exposure Standards There could be unfavourably Effects on industrial output 📉 and Military Functions.
So profits over safety.💰👉☠️

Between 1949 and 1962 everything we needed to know about microwaves was known and published📝 by 1962 all of the dangers all of the hazards⚠️ everything was known and when I say all of them that between the superpowers and us the brain🧠 at that time had been studied for brain🧠 waves 〰️and microwaves📡 Use to penetrate the brain 🧠 and cause behaviour changes 🥴 and by 1962 with the residence frequencies 〰️of the brain the cyclelectronic region frequency🔊 and its occasionally resident frequency🔊

A statement was made in 1962 by the government that’s (the best effects) or birth defects facings organs🫁🫀 whole organisms🦠 all cells🧫 brain🧠 function or emotions😭 all moods🤬 could be altered changed and destroyed☠️ by 1962 yes ,microwaves📡 then as now were used as a weapon🤢☢️🔫
In 1965 the military🪖 had use of cell phones 📳
It was the military industrial Complex who Made this technology.🪖=📡👉☢️👉🤳👉💰
They new💭 back then that it would not be allowed But they made is so if challenged.⚖️ And these things were to progress and in 1965 they adopted an old 1953 thermal level by an engineer by the name of (Swand) in order to prevent ✋️being taken to court⚖️ the industries and the people who make the decisions they adopted The Swan 1953 level📈 which basically says if a certain weights of your tissue either 10g or a kilogram depending which way you are going does not heat🔥 up by a certain temperature in 6 minutes ( then everything
Will be Safe for a life tines exposure☢️) 😲
for adults, women , children , everybody. And the 6 minutes thermal🥵 level is the one that is still used today.👎

they totally ignored 🦻and put aside the electric⚡️ magnetic🧲 vectors of the wave〰️ and the harm☠️ that the electric and magnetic🧲 vectors can do & Put aside all of the harm📛 from the electric⚡️ and magnetic vectors this is in 42% of countries
( so you understand a Microwave Oven heats 🌡up food from the inside buy making the cells🧫 Vibrate📳 to make it simple) ✅️
Well you as a Human only have heat🌡 receptors on the outer of your body NOT🌡your organs🫀🧠 and tissues Inside.

So this safty scale📊 is appalling🤢 .
In 1971 Cancer🦠 Was proven to be cause by low level Microwave Radiation.☢️
( do you REMEMBER they used to say 1 in 4 people will Get cancer?🦠 Well now it’s 2 out in every 3

In 1973 the W.H.O⚕️( we pay them to protect us.) That wave radiation☢️ i.e that it is below thermal radiation☢️ which is what you have on your cell phones📳 that is. There are 350 pages documenting harm to the ordinary person. 107 😲different chapters.
chapter 14 deals with cancer🦠
I think 28 reproductive ones but instead of telling the world the dangers it was stamped not for the public with a big red secret🤫 stamp you👉😲 still will not be told about this they will not admit to it! (But it has been leaked out)
A 10yr study around the world 🗺 in various countries had many many🆙️ thousands of miscarriages 👶,suicides🥀 ,deaths⚰️ around transmitters.📡
Lima near Peru the country🇵🇪 is known as cancer 🦠 city where it is (unregulated).
In just 2 provinces in 🇮🇳 they have 50000 🧠 tumours in children and a 100000 plus deaths⚰️ in the 2 provinces as the levels they us of millimeter〰️〰️ Microwaves📡 are not regulated they are running around 14-16Ghtz & they have so many call centres📞📞
A study was carried out 15 years ago so this was at the time of the 3G-4G crossover so the power levels on 3G had been Ramped up 🆙️to deal with the new systems coming on board.
Around 200 schools 🚸in France🇫🇷 and Spain🇪🇸 had multiple Cancer🦠 Clusters found in children 🚸
( as the cell 🧫tissues in children Are More susceptible to Microwave☢️ energy )
Leukemia🦠🩸🆎️ is a big one within children .
They has already been deaths🥀 in children 🚸 from WiFi 📡in classes across the world🗺
there has been 136 studies of harm in schools ( Documented Studies📝) from WiFi & transmitters 📡in schools🚸, there are 48 study📖 on childhood suicide😲 & that is going one way 4% up every yr from microwaves☢️ going into the soft tissue of a children’s 🧠
Professor Mio!👨‍🏫👉(A childs brain is softer has a higer percentage of fluud💦 & is more susceptible to pulse wave〰️〰️ frequencies).〰️

all of this informationℹ️ Has been Gathered📚 over a period of time) from many sources PDF. files wiki leaks and the world’s leading expert on Microwave energy weapons.
5G📡is a particularly Dangerous⚠️ frequency because if its high resonance, the upper end of 5G📡 scale is Simular to a Military Grade weapon 🔫I.e (the Growler which works at 🔆=90Ghtz) the frequency〰️ which is used by the Military from Vehicles🚚airplanes🛩 to destroy the physiological & neurological🧠 systems in the human body 👥 this will bring you to your knees 😭and cause sever neurological 🤯disorders and cancers.🦠
The military🪖/ police 🚨use the lower end of this for crowd control (photos below) or to harm an enemy, the top frequency〰️ of 5G 📡is around 78GHtz ☣️ but 5G Ultra Wideband, Verizon’s millimeter wavelength (mmWave)-based 5G, operates at frequencies of about 28 GHz ☣️and 39GHz☣️.

You need to understand the depth 🕳of deception🤥 on the world’s stage 🎬
( STATRLINK)🚀 = Elon Musk™️ has put up Well over 50,000 but there will be 250,000 receivers📥 are going up some are high🛰 level,low level & drones🛰 (which are solar🌞 powered) and high level balloons🥊 all solar powerd.🌞
now the people running this 🤔💭will be able to monitor and control every single country🇪🇺 that they fly over (No Government’s or people) wil be able to have any secret🤫 any one or any systemℹ️🆕️ can be targeted 🎯and there informationℹ️ used,
sold💰 to anyone who wants to buy💲 it this is big brother on a hole new level, 🆙️
So Google,👀Lockheed Martin 🛰and Virgin🔴 are all investing vast amounts of money 💲into this. To blanket ➿️♾️
the whole ionosphere ❇️with 5G so total coverage.
( people who are on the Q 🐇🕳 and about the true verification ✅️ of Elon Musk™️ and his intentions and his connections to the illuminati♈️ and weather he has been swapped🔃 out as to what is going on at TWITTER 🐦then you need to understand the security clearance🔐 he has and how the industrial complex works i want to talk about this but i want to stay on this subject.) So this is for another post as to those who are down the Q- 🐇🕳

( even if your phone📳 is off It can be activated🔛 and camers📷 & mic🎤 used even the signal📶 can be amplified from phone📳 to phone📳 to spy🕵‍♂️ on any1) They can be and have been used while off📴 to target🔫 individuals to listen🎧 to anyone in a building etc ( did you also know that when Banking🏦 elites 🛗etc all turn off there phone and put them in a safe🛅 out of the board rooms so that no one can be compromised?)

This is also how smart meters 📶🔛in your home can be used 🆔️
They are nothing more than a spy🕵‍♂️ device to track 👣your movements and to know when you are home or out ( they can and will be soon in the NEW ♻️ DEAL agreement 👀seeing the kW🔋 you are using let’s say IN YOUR NEW kettle that you will have to buy as part of the ♻️ which will have its own nanotech 🆔️so you can be charged 💳 accordingly at diffrent rates at different times 🕑 on different devices/ they will also be able to monitorℹ️ your Internet📶 usage and also place Restrictions on that ( but this will be advertised at the time as parental🎛 Controls) it gets that deep its total 24hr surveillance 🔎
integrated within and to amplifier outside radio📡 radiation ☢️waves.
SMART METERS📶ℹ️ all run GSM📳 and WiFi📶 so they have there own inbuilt phone 📳 that can and does dial up to the Local CELL TOWER TO YOU HOME 🏡 by law ⚖️ for no more than 6 minutes in ever 6 hrs,over a 7 day period yes the dangers⚠️ of smart meters 📶ℹ️ the recommended distance 📏 is 40ft from the occupants or 10ft 📏 at min, But you get the same amount of radiation☢️ from a smart meter as if you was staffing within 100ft of a cell tower 📡

it is a weapon☢️🔫 a long low dose is just as dangerous as a short High🔝 does
So far we are seeing a 60% reduction in insects 🕷🪳🐜
( that pollinate 🐝 trees🌴,flowers💐 ) i.e remember when all the 🐝 started dying 🤔
Plus 70% in fruit 🍎🍏🍌
anyway near 5G is far worse than 3G/ 4G as it is integrated into WIFI 📶( WiFi is a know & proven weapons frequency〰️)
Published papers📝 Will show u that within most of largely dense forest🌳 landed areas will be gone in a few generations😱
( but far quicker if they turn it up) 👇

Where 5G is going up trees are coming down ( trees🌳 inbit the process of 5G which is a Beam🔦it struggles going through tree trunks) but damages them 👇 in the UK we are taking down over 530,000 tress 🌳😲 but that’s set to raise to 70million🌳 YES. under the lie So they do not cause a danger to motorists, 🤣 and they are getting diseasees🦠 (which yes they are)
But it just so happens its at the very same sites 5G is going up

( IF YOU CUT DOWN 70 Million TREES 🌳 JUST IN UK LET ALONE AROUND 58% Of THE WORLD) (u are talking Billions🔝🌳)
You will get major problems to the Eco system & animals . these problems 👇

  1. They will not absorb the required amount of Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere 🌤
  2. We are affecting the formation if clouds☁️ in the atmosphere🌧 ( HENCE YOU WILL GET DROUGHTS 🏞 it is as simple as that but its the only way they can have 5G ( are you waking ⏰️ up yet and seeing the new ♻️ deal scam❓️ there us alot more to 5G than putting Boxes on lampposts 💡 5G is going to merge with WIFI 6.

(remember the film avatar💙)
TREES 🌳do not like Microwaves ☢️( the resistance of trees Drops Dramatically when you microwave them) and there imume🧬 system Breaks down ( YES TREES HAVE D.N.A🧬)
all living matter does! as they are biological matter, if you destroy the trees / u destroy the wildlife 🦉/ fish🐟 and the ecological system/ 🍁🍃🪲🐞🐛
People underestimate how cleaver♻️ & important trees are they communicate with each other via there roots & the soil if 1 tree is weak the other will help each other, and they help control microorganisms🧫 in the soil trees🌳 also remove carbon dioxide from the air.💨
Not a lot of people understand that 70% of a Fish is from a tree – trees shed there leafs that go into the streams that are acted on buy microorganisms which are eaten by larger microorganisms which in turn starts the food web (in land fish in lakes streams etc) the fish feed off of that (remember 70% of a Fish is a tree) if you destroy the trees you destroy the fish & the ground soil ( are you getting the picture yet) but it gets EVEN WORSE when you have long hot summers trees produce a chemical (molecular) which goes into the sky & blend with water vapour in the air which form larger molecules “which form very light thin clouds ” a whole forest will do this on a hot day all at once (tree communicate through it isn’t known how exactly, most likely roots) if you make the trees sick you get Extra & larger Amounts of Carbon dioxide going into the water 💧water has microorganisms of its own called coccolithophores that produce a chemical called “dimethyl sulfide” that evaporates into the air & is the ( ONLY!!) substance on Earth that can be uses in cloud formation.
So if you follow the cycle I.e make the trees sick u kill the fish × coccolithophores who have a low intolerance to Carbon👣 dioxide in water💦 because it makes it ( acid) because they are already in the process of dying and therfore changing the cloud structure
So just buy affecting the Trees you destroy the Ocean microbiology & you change the earths weather pattern and ecosystems. Bacteria & viruses thrive on Microwave radiation. (I have the factual documents to prove this) so they become resistant to all the treatments to try to kill them, they know they are in danger so multiple at an alarming rate.
WiFi📶 came out in 1999 (666)🤘 yes it can be invented for there upside down reality.
375 companies used it and it is a known weapons frequency Only 1 in 8 children will be born healthy in the coming generations but this is all by design to lessen the population why? All will be explained microwave radiation has been making insects dissipate around 75% are and we need them to pollinate food🫒 crops 🥗and we are loosing them in their droves (Loose the Bee population & insert population
the world will be in serious trouble)
They have been blaming pesticides!

Why are insects & birds loosing there bearings & going in circles etc ?? The cryptochrome pigmant double absorbing system they use to navigate is directly affecting them and hence the pollination of plants 5G is going on lampposts and they are removing trees in the area as 5G is M.m ( very very fast short
waveform) so it can send and receive vast amounts of info up to 10GB Per Second deneding apon the power level . and has to have lots of Towers / repeaters as it works on line of sight.
( 3G=2100MHz short range ) (4G=2.4GHz-3.6GHz) depending on the range required it has low/medium /high
are a wider wave band

All living matter all cells🧫 in our body’s produce little waves 〰️/ fields🧲 ( all living things all Biological🧫 Matter has this)

our bodies produce a wave a field⛎️ frequencies / to regulate hormones which Vibrate if I am loosing you ( the pulse frequencies⛎️ clocks in your body that regulate hormones & tiny molecules🧬 which Vibrate Now when MICROWAVES 📡go in to your body they can affect the pulse rate of the clocks and hormones within your body which can also cause Resonance I.e Vibrations📳 in other parts of your body your body has ( circadian & cyclotronic radio frequencies ) let’s say you have am organ let’s say the Heart for one it has its own rhythm what Microwaves☢️ cab do is affect the clock and balance & make them malfunction.💔 Women have 13 different circadian frequencies than men. Hence why women cab be more sensitive or have hot flushes🥵 compared to men

The most susceptible life 🐣form to this is the embryo 🥚within the first 8 weeks of pregnancy ( do you understand why the still birth and Miscarriage Rate has now shot up)😭🆙️

Pulse frequencies 📡 can be used to the point to make a person sick-ill- 🤮and even commit suicide. Some people who are electro sensitive its much like arsenic they just want to lay down and die this its possible to change neurological🧠 structures this was found out buy mistake📝 years ago during the cold War to cause cancer🦠 and neurological 🧠disorders.

People must be decived by selecting a safety level which can not be challange in court if they die to protect industrial output.
Depending on what frequency they use around transmitters you will see different rates of cancers and illness, suicide the industry is worth 17 trillion dollars

This is being forced out and is going everywhere schools ,nursery’s Road lights
Across the western world (smart citys)

I’m 1973 it’s was predicted and papers were written that this technology would wipe out 2 billion people😲 if it was rolled out
58% of the world’s country’s are going against this and how dangerous it is
Israel being of them that is making there own wirred system so 42% are implementing 5G-6G

Pregnant 🤰women are particularly vulnerable to WiFi 📶and microwave☢️ radiation because the womb is of course mostly fluid 💧 microwaves〰️ stay in and rearrange the chemical🧪 structures of the fluid in many ways there is a 20× concentration of damage within a womb.
A women has a 47.7% chance of having a Miscarriage 😭 from exposure.
So in 1 generation of new borns👶
at least half are going to 💯 have some sort of birh 🤰defects Within 60 yrs only 1 in 8 children will have the chance of being born healthy.🏥

You need to look at the bigger picture as to why everything is happening on world’s stage now think 🤔 the birth rate is dropping Massively ! So
who will run the infrastructures?🛣
Who will man the factory’s?👷‍♀️
Who will run the health service?🏥
Who will pay the taxes for it ?💰

THE ONLY ANSWER TO THIS IS MASS IMMIGRATION🤯 That is the only answer if you wish to survive as a country / hence why there are people Coming in from a lot of countries that are Not Vaccine💉 Mandated & that do not run 5G ( I told you this would bring you down a 🐇🕳

I.e brain chip is to Down load all remaining life’s conscious onto the QUANT SUPER COMPUTER WHICH IS buried deep st the Cern site 666.🤘 Therefore removing all blood 🩸line that ain’t there’s 🆎️🅾️🅱️ from Earth and putting us all down so that our Soul’s can be for ever trapped for eternity ( sounds Crazy 🤪 yes)
Well if you understand about black cube⬛️🕋 and how it is seen in many Hollywood 🎥 films star trek=the borg you will be assimilated 🤖
There are Black 🕋⬛️ all around the planet at the Twin towers site, mecca BLACKROCK 🏦 many Jews ✡️ have these black boxes on tied ro there heads ⬛️ it is a whole other post but the belife system of these so called fallen angles 👼 that they protest to be is a very dark subject ✡️🇮🇱 we are all being played ▶️

QUANTUM DOT TATTOO THAT CAN BE READ BY 5G when ( Yuval Noah Harari says we are now able to kno what’s going on under the skin) so total surveillance 24-7
All your digital id can and will be done like this The dots are only about 4 nanometers in diameter, but they are encapsulated in biocompatible microparticles that form spheres about 20 microns in diameter. This encapsulation allows the dye to remain in place, under the skin, after being injected. MIT researchers have now developed a novel way to record a patient’s vaccination history: storing the data in a pattern of dye, invisible to the naked eye, that is delivered under the skin at the same time as the vaccine.

“In areas where paper vaccination cards are often lost or do not exist at all, and electronic databases are unheard of, this technology could enable the rapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination history to ensure that every child is vaccinated,” says Kevin McHugh, a former MIT postdoc who is now an assistant professor of bioengineering at Rice University.

    Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.

0001] A virtual currency (also known as a digital currency) is a medium of exchange implemented through the Internet📶 generally, not tied to a specific government-backed “flat” (printed) currency such as the U.S. dollar 🇺🇸or the Euro,🇪🇺 and typically designed to allow instantaneous transactions and borderless transfer of ownership. One example of virtual currency is cryptocurrency, wherein cryptography is used to secure transactions and to control the creation of new units.

[0002] Several cryptocurrencies exist. Among these, the most well known is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency. Most blockchain-based cryptocurrency🆑️is decentralized in the sense that it has no central point of control. However, blockchain-based cryptocurrency 🆑️can also be implemented in a centralized system having a central point of control over the cryptocurrency. Bitcoin 🅱️is one of the examples of blockchain-based cryptocurrency. It is described in a 2008 article by Satoshi Nakamoto,🈯️🈳️ named“Bitcoin: A peer-to-Peer

Electronic Cash System”.⚡️💳💱

[0003] A blockchain is a data structure that stores a list of transactions and can be thought of as a distributed electronic ledger that records transactions between source identifier(s) and destination identifier(s). The transactions are bundled into blocks and every block (except for the first block) refers back to or is linked to a prior block in the blockchain. Computer resources (or nodes, etc.) maintain the blockchain and cryptographically validate each new block and the transactions contained in the corresponding block. This validation process includes computationally solving a difficult problem that is also easy to verify and is sometimes called a“proof-of-work”. This process is referred to as“mining”. The mining may be a random process with low probability so that a lot of trial and error is required to solve a computationally difficult problem. Accordingly, the mining may require enormous amounts of computational

Legal law⚖️

‘It is the conclusion of This legal opinion that is establishing and activating A 5G network as it is currently describes would be in contravention of the current human and environmental laws enshrined in the European convention of human rights the UN convention on the rights of the child Eu regulations and the burn & bon conventions’

‘ Eu convention 1989 Each state has a legal responsibility to protect children to ensure maximum development articles 19 and 6 if you want to go to your to your school and quote the law the children’s acts 1989 part 3 section 17 there is a legal obligation on local authorities to protect children against harm or the risk of this stands apart as a likelihood or perceived risk is all that is necessary it does not need proof’

‘The Nuremberg ⚖️code UN 1950 article 7 Prohibits any experiment without consent 5G is an experiment to impact all of the are experiments but under the Nuremberg⚖️ code the (any experiments that affects you bodily or your health is illegal unless you give your consent) there is only one exception a doctor can experiment on his or herself that is the only exception that’s ‘