The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem

The International Jew:  The World’s Foremost Problem

Edited by the Dearborn Independent, funded by the Henry Ford Motor Company

Volume 1:  The International Jew

1. The Jew in Character and Business

2. Germany’s Reaction Against the Jew

3. Jewish History in the United States

4. The Jewish Question — Fact or Fancy?

5. Anti-Semitism — Will It Appear in the U.S.?

6. Jewish Question Breaks Into the Magazines

7. Arthur Brisbane Leaps to the Help of Jewry

8. Does a Definite Jewish World Program Exist?

9. The Historic Basis of Jewish Imperialism

10. An Introduction to the “Jewish Protocols”

11 . “Jewish” Estimate of Gentile Human Nature

12. “Jewish Protocols” Claim Partial Fulfillment

13. “Jewish” Plan to Split Society by “Ideas”

14. Did the Jews Foresee the World War?

15. Is the Jewish “Kahal” the Modern “Soviet”?

16. How the “Jewish Question” Touches the Farm

17. Does Jewish Power Control the World Press?

18. Does This Explain Jewish Political Power?

19. The All- Jewish Mark on “Red Russia”

20. Jewish Testimony in Favor of Bolshevism

Volume 2:  Jewish Activities in the United States

21. How Jews in the U.S. Conceal Their Strength

22. Jewish Testimony on “Are Jews a Nation?”

23. Jew Versus Non-Jew in New York Finance

24. The High and Low of Jewish Money Power

25. “Disraeli of America” — A Jew of Super-Power

26. The Scope of Jewish Dictatorship in the U.S.

27. Jewish Copper Kings Reap Rich War-Profits

28. Jewish Control of the American Theater

29. The Rise of the First Jewish Theatrical Trust

30. How Jews Capitalized a Protest Against Jews

31. The Jewish Aspect of the “Movie” Problem

32. Jewish Supremacy in Motion Picture World

33. Rule of the Jewish Kehillah Grips New York

34. The Jewish Demand for “Rights” in America

35. “Jewish Rights” Clash With American Rights

36. “Jewish Rights” to Put Studies Out of Schools

37. Disraeli — British Premier, Portrays the Jews

38. Taft Once Tried to Resist Jews — and Failed

39. When Editors Were Independent of the Jews

40. Why the Jews Dislike the Morgenthau Report

41 . Jews Use the Peace Conference to Bind Poland

42. The Present Status of the Jewish Question

Volume 3:  Jewish Influences in American Life

43. The Jews and the “Religious Persecution” Cry
44. Are the Jews Victims or Persecutors?
45. Jewish Gamblers Corrupt American Baseball
46. Jewish Degradation of American Baseball
47. Jewish Jazz Becomes Our National Music
48. How the Jewish Song Trust Makes You Sing
49. Jewish Hot-Beds of Bolshevism in the U.S.
50. Jew Trades Link With World Revolutionaries
51. Will Jewish Zionism Bring Armageddon?
52. How the Jews Use Power — By an Eyewitness
53. How Jews Ruled and Ruined Tammany Hall
54. Jew Wires Direct Tammany’s Gentile Puppets
55. B’nai B’rith Leader Discusses the Jews
56. Dr. Levy, a Jew, Admits His People’s Error
57. Jewish Idea in American Monetary Affairs
58. Jewish Idea Molded Federal Reserve Plan
59. Jewish Idea of Central Bank for America
60. How Jewish International Finance Functions
61 . Jewish Power and America’s Money Famine

Volume 4:  Aspects of Jewish Power in the United States

62. How Jews Gained American Liquor Control

63. Gigantic Jewish Liquor Trust and Its Career

64. The Jewish Element in Bootlegging Evil

65. Angles of Jewish Influence in American Life

66. The Jews’ Complaint Against “Americanism”

67. The Jewish Associates of Benedict Arnold

68. Benedict Arnold and Jewish Aid in Shady Deal

69. Arnold and His Jewish Aids at West Point

70. The Gentle Art of Changing Jewish Names

71. Jewish “Kol Nidre” and “Eli, Eli” Explained

72. Jews as New York Magistrates See Them

73. Jews Are Silent, the National Voice Is Heard

74. What Jews Attempted Where They Had Power

75. The Jewish Question in Current Testimony

76. America’s Jewish Enigma — Louis Marshall

77. The Economic Plans of International Jews

78. A Jew Sees His People As Others See Them

79. Candid Address to Jews on the Jewish Problem

80. An Address to “Gentiles” on the Jewish Problem